U.S CPSIA-H.R.4040 The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) was signed into law in 2008. The CPSIA specifically targets children’s products, which the Act defines as any product designed or intended primarily for use by children 12 years of age or younger.
The CPSIA includes the following provisions: Lead and lead paint - Children’s products are subject to strict limits regarding lead content. Lead content in surface coatings and paint is limited to 90 parts per million (ppm). Total lead content in substrate materials is limited to 100 ppm.
Phthalates - Manufacturers cannot manufacture or import for sale into the U.S., any children’s toys and certain childcare articles that contain phthalates, including DEHP, DBP or BBP, at levels in excess of 0.1% individually. On an interim basis, the U.S. also banned three additional types of phthalates (DINP, DIDP, DnOP) in any amount greater than 0.1% in a children's toy that can be placed in a child's mouth, and child care articles. |